5 Must Read Lesbian Fiction Novels | by Jessica Oak | Life is Fiction


A stack of well-read books in various lengths and colors.
Picture by Kimberly Farmer on Unsplash
The cover of popular lesbian novel, The Miseducation of Cameron Post by Emily Danforth. On the cover of the book, a girl wearing a t-shirt, shorts and cowboy boots lays on a bale of hay in the middle of a field.
by way of GoodReads
Cover of novel A Thin Bright Line by Lucy Jane Bledsoe. The cover is a close-up of a woman’s torso in an old-fashioned purple coat with wide buttons. She has a hand in her pocket.
by way of Amazon
The book cover of Chinelo Okparanta’s novel, Under the Udala Trees. The cover is an artistic view looking up at a sky through a ring of trees. There is also a Lambda Literary Award Winner medal on the cover.
by way of Amazon
The cover of Nina LaCour’s YA lesbian romance novel Everything Leads to You. On the cover, a girl stands with her back to the audience and overlooks a city skyline.
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The cover of lesbian dystopian novel, The Abyss Surrounds Us, by Emily Skrutskie. On the cover, a teenage girl in a futuristic pirate costume stands on a ship in the middle of a storm. An eye of a monster, as big as she is, looms behind her.
by way of GoodReads

Bonus Suggestions

The cover of Nevada by Imogen Binnie features some flowers and a small, furry creature that is disected so the reader can see the labeled insides.
by way of Amazon
The cover of Nancy Hedin’s novel, Bend, shows the main street of a quaint, American town with farmland in the distance.
by way of RipTide Publishing

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